Media contact: Gita Sitaramiah
Director of PR and Internal Communications
Augsburg University
The Forum on Workplace Inclusion® 33rd Annual Conference “Workplace Revolution” Registration Now Open
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — January 6, 2021 — The Forum on Workplace Inclusion® (The Forum) at Augsburg University has opened registration for its 33rd annual conference “Workplace Revolution.” The Forum’s annual conference will take place on March 8 – 12, 2021. This year’s conference will be entirely virtual through the online conference platform Pathable. Discounted “early bird” rates, group rates, and team meeting packages are now available.
About the 2021 Conference
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted and upended the way we work. People in all corners of the globe long for human connection but are charged with quickly navigating a digital, distanced work environment. Social protests centering around racism and the unjust deaths of African Americans at the hands of the police have pulled the cover off overwhelming disparities in healthcare, economics, education, housing, public safety, and more.
In a year of turmoil and disruption across professional and personal spaces, the 33rd annual conference aims to lean into these issues head on by asking, “What will it take to start a workplace revolution that moves us from talk to action?”
“The triple pandemics of health, economy, and race call us all to action.” said Steve Humerickhouse, The Forum’s executive director.
“Over five days, participants will have the opportunity to be challenged both professionally and personally to create a revolution in our workplaces and ourselves,” he said. “Although the 33rd Forum will be virtual, our commitment to making lasting change will be very real.”
Hosting the conference virtually will make this year’s conference the most accessible and most affordable Forum annual conference of its size – while continuing to deliver on the quality and expertise participants of The Forum have come to know and expect.
The Forum’s annual conference is the nation’s largest – and one of the world’s largest – workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) conferences designed for national and global audiences. This conference marks The Forum’s second year as part of Augsburg University.
“We are proud to partner with The Forum to help expand diversity, equity, and inclusion skills,” said Paul Pribbenow, Augsburg’s president. “Augsburg University is one of the most diverse private colleges in the Midwest and looks forward to a workplace revolution so our students can fully participate and succeed in the workforce,”
The Forum’s annual conference is curated with help from global experts on some of the world’s leading issues and topics vetted by our committee of DEI practitioners. This year’s conference will also feature on-demand access for up to six months after the conference.
This year’s conference features:
72 workshops, with six half-day featured events, five general sessions, art and wellness workshops, documentary film festival featuring four films, more than 135 presenters and speakers from around the world, and our innovative Marketplace of Ideas virtual exhibitor space.
Also returning in a new format is the popular DEI Coaching Center where leading DEI professionals provide outcome-focused coaching attendees can apply when returning to the workplace.
How can we do all this in a virtual setting? Join us and find out! Press passes are available. Contact The Forum at for details.
About The Forum
For 33 years, The Forum has served as a convening hub for those seeking to grow professional leadership and effectiveness skills in the field of DEI by engaging people, advancing ideas, and igniting change. It is hosted at Augsburg University located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The annual conference is HRCI and SHRM Continuing Education Credit (CEU) eligible.
For rates, registration, or more information, visit
About Augsburg
Augsburg University offers more than 50 undergraduate majors and 11 graduate degrees to 3,400 students of diverse backgrounds at its campus in the vibrant center of the Twin Cities and nearby Rochester, Minnesota, location. Augsburg educates students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders. An Augsburg education is defined by excellence in the liberal arts and professional studies, guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran church, and shaped by its urban and global settings. Learn more at
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