The Charter for Global Diversity (The Charter) is a living document created for and by global diversity professionals tasked with implementing global diversity initiatives. The Charter is and will continue to be an essential resource for all in the field who endeavor to create globally inclusive workplaces and communities.
Think of The Charter as a set of guidelines or a handbook to help those implementing global diversity programs. It is meant to save time and effort by learning from one another’s best practices and mistakes. The Charter was initially created by diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leaders at The Forum on Workplace Inclusion® – a convening in-person and digital hub for those seeking to grow DEI professional leadership and effectiveness skills by engaging people, advancing ideas, and igniting change.
We all win when we contribute and share insights and experiences. This is the purpose of The Charter. So we invite you to make contributions to The Charter in the form of insights and experiences!
We ask that all who visit the Charter and wish to add their insights and experiences, do so on this Google Docs site. Please note, once you click on the link below, you will be prompted to sign in or create a Google account. You do not need to create a new email to do this, just use the one you have if you don’t want to create or if you don’t have a Gmail account. Once into the Charter, you will be able to add your edits; you don’t need to ask permission. If you don’t want to sign in, you can send us your comments and updates, and we will be happy to enter them into The Charter. Thank you for your insights!
Click below to begin making your contributions, visit our Charter Google Doc:
Access CharterYou are free to download, copy, print, and share the Charter – in fact, we want you to share it! Our goal for The Charter is to circle the globe and become a valuable resource to all. We want to uncover the hidden cultural assumptions and characteristics of diversity in all our cultures and communities. The Charter will be a living legacy for all to share and use for decades to come. We expect it to evolve just as our field is evolving.
Please feel free to include your personal edits under one or more of the four categories: Defining Diversity, Danger Zones, Best Practices, and Useful Resources. Once you have contributed an item, you have the option to add your name and date next to your contribution. As a Google Doc, your contribution will automatically be saved. This document is owned by our community and is always live.
Should you have any questions about The Charter’s origins or purpose, please contact Neal Goodman Ph.D.
On Behalf of All Those Dedicated to Promoting Globally Inclusive Organizations. Thank you!