Janet Pope
Millennial Innovation Council ERG Leader
Company: CapgeminiRole: Session Presenter
Janet P. Pope is currently leveraging 14 years of consulting experience working with executive leadership teams to implement collaborative solutions that expand the reach and impact of Corporate Responsibility. She is responsible for continuing to cultivate a culture of inclusion by developing and delivering workforce engagement strategies that align directly with the business strategy, support people, protect planet, grow partnerships and embody overarching corporate values.
With a background as a technology transformation consultant, Janet brings a perspective anchored in the business value derived from leveraging information and data to operationalize integrating inclusion, sustainability, and community to engage talent. She is also leading Capgemini’s global efforts to mitigate unconscious bias, develop cultural competencies, create impactful global networks beyond gender, and analyze Capgemini’s quantitative and qualitative data to identify additional opportunities to grow, engage, and retain diversity in the talent pipeline.
Janet is the Director of the Corporate Responsibility program for North America at Capgemini, holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from Clemson University, a Master’s degree in Engineering Management from Duke University, a Diversity Management certification from the University of Houston, is a member of the Council of Advisors for the Wellesley Centers for Women and in 2017 won the National Diversity Council’s DiversityFirst award in Houston, TX where she currently resides.