Dr. Jennifer Sarrett
Founder, Director
Company: Disruptive InclusionRole: Session Presenter
Dr. Jennifer Sarrett has been researching, teaching about, and studying concepts related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) for more than 10 years. She spent nearly seven years as a professor at Emory University, where she focused on disability and anti-ableism, health, ethics, criminal justice issues, and intersectionality.
Jennifer founded Disruptive Inclusion in 2020 to provide her unique, effective approach to DEIB to organizations across the country. Through her Disruptive Inclusion work and as a senior consultant with Jennifer Brown Consulting, she has provided DEIB organizational assessments, strategy, and program delivery for nonprofits, media and tv, science and research, and more. Dr. Sarrett specializes in anti-ableism and disability justice and inclusion for people with conviction histories.