
Destiny Xiong

Human Resource Generalist

Company: City of Minneapolis
Role: Diversity Award Winner—Friend of The Forum

Destiny Xiong is currently a Human Resource Generalist for the City of Minneapolis providing a variety of HR services to multiple City departments. She has been with the City for 6 years. Destiny is also a council appointed board member to the Minneapolis Trans Equity Council which she has been serving for two years and an active member of the City’s Trans Issue Workgroup since 2014. Destiny served on the board for Hmong Women Achieving Together from 2013-2015. Destiny holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management from Metropolitan State University and a Master’s degree in Human Resource and Change Leadership from the University of St. Thomas.

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454
(612) 373-5994

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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