Today’s rapid pace of changing demographics and cultural misunderstandings can undermine productivity, adversely impact key relationships, frustrate team dynamics, and interfere with business objectives. Understanding cultural diversity in workplaces has never been more of an imperative.
But in recent years, increased awareness around social exclusions faced by underrepresented people has brought equity to the forefront of inclusion creating a cost factor of inequity. This is not just a financial impact, but also a human capital one. Leaders must understand the cost of inequity increases the risk of losing their most critical resource—human capital.
In this podcast episode, you will engage in a learning experience to build more equitable workplaces. You’ll understand the difference between equity and equality, learn how to identify inequities, and how to challenge assumptions through engaging case studies.
Dr. Thyonne Gordon and Delphine Pruitt will also be presenting at the Forum’s December PDL:
Learning Outcomes
- Learn the history of inequity among different racial groups within the United States
- Define equity and equality and how they differ from one another
- Assess the cost of inequity, learn how to identify inequities, and apply an equity lens to everything we do