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In this special bonus episode of The Forum Podcast, Nina Boe from Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding and Jean-Marie Navetta from PFLAG National answer questions from listeners that attended our July 21, 2022 Webinar Beyond the Blame Game: Religion and LGBTQ Inclusion at Work
Nina and Jean-Marie answer the following questions:
Question 1: Some of the data you presented indicated that many Christians in America feel that they are being persecuted and discriminated against for their beliefs. Have you heard that Christians are saying they are discriminated against because of LGBTQ+ ERG activities? Where do you think this idea comes from?
Question 2: What data can we bring to gatekeepers that this conversation about religion and LGBTQ+ identities in the workplace is needed?
Question 3: One of the things you talked about was being aware of the kinds of programming that ERGs do to not inadvertently, for example, invite a speaker considered inflammatory to certain groups. Could a fairly simple checklist be used to vet potential speakers and other similar situations across multiple considerations?
Question 4: When someone is curious and wants to learn more about any particular dimension of difference – what are your best practices for setting up safe spaces for people to ask the questions that they may not ask in ERG settings – essentially where can employees practice safely at work?
Question 5: Should we avoid talking about misinterpretation of Bible quotes, for example, to avoid confrontation?
Question 6: “Tolerance for all but the intolerant” What do you think about this phrase? How do we tolerate people who have negative views?
Question 7: What could be a good response to the notion expressed as, “I don’t want to endorse that lifestyle” when people decline to participate in LGBTQ+ ERG activities? Difference between affirming and learning?
Question 8: Do you think members of inclusive churches feel a special responsibility to hold members of non-inclusive churches accountable for the impact of that exclusion?