Powerful Leader Partnerships for Change: How Inclusion and Belonging Drive Healthy Workplaces
90-minute Workshops
Day 1
Session Code: S1-EWhen: March 27, 2023
Level: Intermediate
Track: Diversity Leadership
Presenters: Jennifer Brown, Jennifer Brown Consulting | Shalynne Jackson, City of Oklahoma City (OKC)
Employees in today’s workplace are calling for a kind of leadership we’ve never seen, with inclusiveness at its core. What this looks like in practice is getting comfortable being uncomfortable, leaning into the discomfort and inviting the new, the unfamiliar, and the challenging so that we can evolve and build healthy workplaces of inclusion and belonging.
During this workshop, both speakers will delve into the importance of allyship and courageous conversations across difference. When leaders demonstrate intentional and authentic commitment to DEI, they instill trust in their organizations and can drive the followership that is needed to create a culture of inclusion where employees of all identities, races, and backgrounds thrive and belong. Both presenters will challenge the audience to examine and expand their inner and outer circles by intentionally including new faces and different perspectives and taking specific steps to become allies and advocates in their organization.
Learning Outcomes:
• Learn actionable strategies and tips individuals can use now to help drive positive change in their organizations
• Cultivate new leadership traits like empathy, self-awareness, vulnerability, cultural competence, emotional intelligence, and risk taking
• Increase self-awareness and examine opportunities where we can be more intentional in using inclusive practices