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Get On-Demand Access for The Forum on Workplace Inclusion’s 34th Annual Conference: Solving for X, an online/virtual event.
Solving for X: Tackling Inequities in a World of Unknowns
Addressing complex challenges can be daunting, especially when the foundations of our structures are shifting. As we look to a future of continuous and unforeseeable change, what must we do to tackle systemic inequities deeply embedded in our everyday environments and unharness inclusive, equitable, and sustainable ways of working?
Our live event has concluded, but On-Demand is available now!
Thank you to our registration sponsor Colgate-Palmolive.
Main Stage General Sessions
Create momentum and energy by diving deeper into a stimulating variety of topics in this year‘s dynamic General Sessions. You’ll learn from both pioneers and emerging leaders in the diversity, equity, and inclusion field who bring different ideas, experiences and perspectives.

Day 1 Keynote Speaker Cassandra Worthy, Founder & CEO, Change Enthusiasm® Global

Day 3 Keynote Speaker Andrew Yang, Entrepreneur, Author, Philanthropist, Nonprofit Leader, and Former US Presidential and NYC Mayoral Candidate

About this Year’s Conference
Developing Our Conference Theme
Each year, through research and analysis, we – The Forum – identify current and emerging trends across the global business landscape. After rounds of vetting and re-tooling, a conference theme is determined.
What’s the Purpose of a Conference Theme?
The conference theme is the guiding source for all of the content and progranming during the conference year – both identifying current and emerging trends as well as pushing new conversations and thinking in the DEI space. Hours, days, and months were spent in researching and creating the conference theme.
2022 Conference Theme – Solving for X: Tackling Inequities in a World of Unknowns
As we look to a future of continuous and unforeseeable change, what must we do to tackle systemic inequities so deeply embedded in our everyday environments and raise up inclusive, equitable, and sustainable work cultures that maximize our pluralistic potential?
Our flagship event, the annual conference, is our premier learning opportunity at the cutting-edge of the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) landscape.
The annual conference is HRCI and SHRM Continuing Education Credit (CEU) eligible.
Solving for X
We are universally unified in the search for solutions to ongoing emergent challenges. Leaders across industries are pausing, prioritizing listening, and inviting dialogue about inventive ways of working together for maximum effectiveness. Many see this moment in time as an opportunity to discover more accessible, inclusive, and equitable ways of working. That said, pressing societal issues shift daily, challenging each of us to maintain laser focus on elevating diversity, equity, and inclusion in our work.
The Forum is committed to providing space and time throughout 2022 where people can connect, share, listen, learn, question, debate, challenge, and explore with one another what it takes in practice–not just in theory–to advance equity in our work and world. It begins with coming together at the annual conference to Solve for X: Tackling inequities in a world of unknowns.
Think about this: x + 1 = 3
If you were asked to solve it, that would mean finding some value for x that gives you three when you add one to it. Something plus one is three – well, we know since 2 + 1 = 3, x = 2. That’s it.
That’s what solving an equation is all about! This works no matter how complicated the equation gets. The only difference is that with a simple equation like this, it was possible to just think about it, and get the answer. Let’s look at a more complex equation by solving x to prove this statement: “EQUITY is the solution to many of the world’s problems.”
Equity as the possible solution to many of our problems
In order to Solve for X, we must first shift from seeing EQUITY as the problem, to “solving for EQUITY” as the possible solution to many of our problems.
By assuming EQUITY as constant, we can begin to examine the other variables in the equation. This is our challenge: solving for X means finding what our equation requires from us to prove EQUITY true.
What Else Does the Forum Do?
The Forum on Workplace Inclusion® – or The Forum for short – operates as an organization offering a wide variety of events, programs, and resources in addition to our flagship event – the annual conference. So who is The Forum, and what else does The Forum do? Click to find out more!
Support the Forum
Align your brand with the best in the industry! Expand your commitment, influence, and visibility to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Our collective impact sponsorship model engages people and organizations both globally and locally. The Forum on Workplace Inclusion® is a year-round hub to align and engage before, during, and after the annual conference – with active financial and advisory support for our collaborative work.
Who Attends the Annual Conference?
Below is a breakdown of who attended our 2021 annual conference: Workplace Revolution.
People Involved
Marketplace of Ideas Exhibitors
US States
Coaching Sessions
Participating Businesses
Sponsor Companies
Download the 2021 Annual Conference By the Numbers infographic.
The Forum on Workplace Inclusion® annual conference is the nation’s largest workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) conference designed for a national & global audience.
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