Why Unconscious Bias Training Can’t Top Inclusive Leadership at Royal Bank of Canada
75-minute Workshops
Day 4
Session Code: S7-EWhen: March 11, 2021
Level: Intermediate
Track: Diversity Leadership
Presenters: Teresa Hopke, Talking Talent | Liz Lieberman, Royal Bank of Canada | Patrick Naiyf
In this engaging session, leaders from Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and leading coaching company Talking Talent deep dive into how they partnered to drive meaningful change, fight systemic racism, and support Black communities and marginalized talent as part of RBC’s ongoing commitment to eradicate workplace inequality.
Unlike off-the-shelf unconscious bias workshops that simply raise awareness, this revolutionary approach focuses on an extensive coaching-led inclusive leadership program, which coaches leaders and managers on the eight tenets of being an inclusive leader to reconfigure perspectives and behaviors.
From igniting honest conversations and action across the organization to an ongoing digital inclusive leadership program embedding inclusive behaviors outside of the (virtual) training room, you’ll be guided through the successes that drove real, lasting behavior change throughout the organization.
Learning Outcomes
• Learn how RBC built a program that got to the root of workplace inequality to drive systemic change
• Understand the role of leadership in championing change and how to engage them
• Drive results — the business benefits of implementing and maintaining DEI programs