Organizations MUST Leap Forward — Seizing New Awareness and Commitments to Transform Organization Practices and Systems
Half Day Featured Sessions
Day 3
Session Code: FS-2When: March 10, 2021
Level: Intermediate
Track: DEI Strategy
Presenters: Ted Freeman, The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc. | Frederick A. Miller, The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc.
Amid profound uncertainties, there is one thing we know for sure: This isn’t the time for incremental change. With two pandemics — COVID-19 and systemic racism — testing the limits of our institutions, organizations, and people, “slow and steady” and “check the box” approaches are not only insufficient, they’re detrimental to an organization’s culture, reputation, and future. People have little to no patience for platitudes or baby steps. They want to see meaningful change and they want to see it NOW. These times call for a leap forward.
In this session, we’ll discuss how oppression is like a boulder rolling downhill — it doesn’t require much to keep going, but there are steps you can take to slow and stop the boulder and accelerate the organization on a new trajectory. We’ll share what our clients are doing to address this new reality and the behaviors and tools practitioners can leverage to create a new normal that enhances interactions and creates environments that work for all.
Learning Outcomes
• Increase understanding of the forces of oppression and actions needed to make systemic change today
• Rethink your organization’s practices and systems to accelerate the journey to greater inclusion
• Create strategies for the new normal, from uncomfortable conversations to fundamental change