No Guilt, No Shame: The Science and Practice of Empowering People with Privilege to Be Active DEI Allies in the Workplace
75-minute Workshops
Day 2
Session Code: S2-EWhen: March 9, 2021
Level: Intermediate
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenters: Christie Lindor, Tessi Consulting | Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, Disaster Avoidance Experts
In this engaging, interactive, and enlightening presentation, you will dramatically improve your skills in empowering people with privilege to be active DEI allies in the workplace. The typical approach of DEI practitioners is to highlight privilege and compare it to the experience of marginalized peoples, inspiring feelings of guilt and shame to motivate those with privilege to be DEI allies. Yet recent research in cognitive neuroscience shows that, in the long term, such tactics lead to a backlash that severely threatens DEI outcomes.
Instead, studies show that the most successful efforts use empathy to lower the defensiveness of those with privilege and then help those with privilege expand their sense of tribe to include marginalized people. The presenters bring a combination of cutting-edge research and more than 40 years of combined practice to provide you with the most critical skills you need to empower people with privilege to be active DEI allies in the workplace.
Learning Outcomes
• Discover what works and what doesn’t in empowering people with privilege to be active DEI allies
• Assess the quality of your efforts to get those with privilege to be active DEI allies
• Develop a customized plan to use best practices in this field to improve your DEI outcomes