Healing, Justice: Self-Care as a Decolonial Approach to DEI
75-minute Workshops
Day 2
Session Code: S3-AWhen: March 9, 2021
Level: Introductory
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenter: Camille Cyprian, Centered Spaces LLC
Socioeconomic factors, like racism and other oppression, have been found to scientifically correlate to chronic (toxic) stress. Toxic stress, unaddressed, often leads to burnout. This is especially significant for organizational leaders and active practitioners of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Self-care practices, particularly in the form of culturally meaningful mind-body practices, are tangible, transferable (and also scientifically supported) skills that can help us sustain ourselves as agents for change in the ongoing work for justice and equity.
During this session you will:
• Gain the tools to learn how to remain an agent for change longer (for practitioners)
• Learn how to identify and analyze the risks of burnout, especially for D&I leaders
• Transfer the knowledge learned in this course — applying tangible tools and self-care practices across every area of life and work within experiential situations (personal and professional)
Learning Outcomes
• Gain a basic understanding of how stress impacts our brains and bodies
• Understand the link between racism (and other forms of oppression) and stress for EVERY body
• Learn tools and resources for change makers to incorporate into their practice and leadership