Beyond Etiquette, Toward Equity: Radical Disability Inclusion
75-minute Workshops
Day 3
Session Code: S4-FWhen: March 10, 2021
Level: Intermediate
Track: Social Responsibility
Presenters: Ashley Oolman, Allied Folk | Alli Strong-Martin, Lifeworks Services, Inc.
People with disabilities make up one of the most intersectional identity groups. But in 2021, even progressive allies and organizations continue to lag behind in disability inclusion. We still primarily frame conversations about disability as “etiquette,” as compared to framing almost every other identity group around “equity.” Disability itself does not discriminate, and neither should those committed to advancing rights for all other marginalized groups and inclusive, systemic change.
Even in the face of the proliferation of resources concerning disability etiquette (which may maintain importance as educational tools in some spaces in the general public), any talks of workplace revolution must include an intersectional, equity-driven approach to disability inclusion. It’s past time for organizations committed to advancing equity to begin to center disability rights in this conversation. Join us to move beyond basic terminology by taking action toward addressing real and systemic gaps in access.
Learning Outcomes
• Articulate five conceptual models of disability (charity, medical, compliance, social, human rights)
• Question the ways in which these models influence our personal biases and organizational structures
• Build sustainable strategies to advance disability inclusion by committing to counteract pervasive and problematic models of disability