Behavior Change Technology: Igniting Our Workplaces in 2021
75-minute Workshops
Day 5
Session Code: S8-GWhen: March 12, 2021
Level: Intermediate
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenter: Denise Hummel, Lead Inclusively, Inc., a division of RevWork, Inc.
In order to create organizational culture transformation, changing individual behavior “en masse” is a must, and doing so has been almost impossible through traditional and technology-based strategies. In fact, research has shown that the average attendee loses 40 percent of their knowledge four days after attending a traditional training program.
Luckily, new technology options rooted in artificial intelligence (AI) and focused on behavior change are transforming the way companies are building and harnessing their learning strategies to fit evolving business objectives. Join us for a visual on what this new wave of learning looks like and how specific companies are advancing growth in diversity and inclusion, safety, COVID-19 compliance, and other company goals.
Learning Outcomes
• Learn what machine learning is and what it looks like in everyday work life
• Absorb why knowledge is retained longer when it’s delivered exactly when we need it most
• Comprehend machine learning via real examples of how companies are using it to ignite inclusion