A Breath for George, New Dawn Theatre Company
Documentary Film Series
Day 3
Session Code: DF2-BWhen: March 10, 2021
Track: Social Responsibility
Presenter: Austene Van, New Dawn Theatre Company
“A Breath for George” is a collection of songs, interviews, monologues and short films honoring the life and death of George Floyd, those who have fallen before him, and those who continue to fall due to police brutality and systemic racism. Our film focuses on voices of Minnesotans — historically and adversely affected by social and civil injustices physically, emotionally and financially. “A Breath for George” is a vehicle to mobilize our citizens nationwide to roll up our sleeves and create radical, lasting change for our future.
Featuring: Vanessa Brooke Agnes, James T. Alfred, Jamecia Bennett, James Craven, Aimee K. Bryant, Perri Gaffney, Brian Grandison, Peter Macon, Thomasina Petrus, T. Mychael Rambo, Frank Sentwali, Andre Shoals, Jevetta Steele, Austene Van, and Regina Marie Williams.
Interviews with: Sarah Bellamy, Rose Brewer, PhD, Melvin Carter, Jr., Danielle Epps, Harvey Blanks, Duchess Harris, PhD, Jamil Jude, Talvin Wilks, and Professor Emeritus John Wright.
A question and answer session with artists involved in creating this piece will follow.
Learning Outcomes
• Leveraging the arts as a vehicle for amplifying voices that are seldom heard
• Understanding the importance of story-telling in raising consciousness around social responsibility
• Demonstrating a model of organizing for collective impact