Unlock Potential Through Mentoring: Retain and Develop Your Diverse Talent
90-minute Workshops
Day 2
Session Code: S2-EWhen: April 11, 2018
Location/Room: M 100 CDE
Level: Intermediate
Track: Leadership Development
Presenters: Missy Chicre, Menttium Corporation | Stacy Richards, Menttium Corporation | Stefani Tygar Barnes, Wells Fargo Insurance | Shunda Robinson, GM Financial | Reggie Woo, U.S. Bancorp
We will see and hear an abundance of statistics at the 2018 Forum on Workplace Inclusion about how bottom-line business results are positively impacted by diversity in senior leadership ranks, yet how much progress still must be made. So, what is one practical step you can take immediately after the conference to make forward progress in your organization?
According to a Harvard Business Review article published in July 2016, “Mentoring programs make companies’ managerial echelons significantly more diverse: On average, they boost the representation of black, Hispanic and Asian-American women, and Hispanic and Asian-American men, by nine to 24 percent.”
You can begin to move the dial quickly in your organization, or even make an impact on your own career, with formal mentoring. In this powerful and practical session, Menttium, the mentoring experts, will provide two key learning opportunities with immediate takeaways for the participants: first, a panel discussion featuring a D&I leader, mentor, and mentee; and second, an overview of critical components to run a successful, formal mentoring program.
The session will address firsthand how mentoring enables D&I strategy, and both the personal and professional impacts of participating in a formal mentoring program. Additionally, the second part will include an interactive exercise on powerful questions, an important pillar to the mentoring relationship.
Learning Outcomes:
- Learn how formal mentoring programs can enable D&I and talent strategies within your organizations.
- Understand the critical components for a successful mentoring program, with example deliverables to take away and apply immediately.
- Enhance effectiveness in a key leadership skill—asking powerful questions—by engaging in interactive exercises.