Staying Centered While the World is Spinning
60-minute Stretch Workshops
Day 2
Session Code: S1-CWhen: April 11, 2018
Location/Room: 200 CD
Level: Intermediate
Track: Leadership Development
Presenter: Tatyana Fertelmeyster, Connecting Differences, LLC
Reading the news in the morning is becoming a challenge. Who is under attack today? According to the American Psychological Association, Americans are more anxious today than ever, since APA started measuring 10 years ago. In the workplace today, we are one Facebook post away from animosity in place of friendship. What does it take to be a champion of inclusion in 2018? What skills do we need to be at our best? Because the truth is that when we are not our own best tools, we can be rather dangerous weapons.
This session will introduce the Personal Leadership Model that is specifically designed to support our ability to be mindful and creative under pressure while operating across differences. Personal Leadership offers a step-by-step process consisting of six practices. Participants will experience Critical Moment Dialogue—a simple yet powerful tool that combines all of these practices and supports clarity of decision-making in challenging situations. Put your oxygen mask on first!
Learning Outcomes:
- Develop a personal vision statement for being at your highest and best.
- Improve the quality of decision-making under pressure.
- Use Critical Moment Dialogue to generate creative insights.
S1-C Handout