Resilience for Diverse Talent: Tools to Stay Focused, Calm, and Leverage Their Unique Strengths for Retention and Advancement
60-minute Stretch Workshops
Day 2
Session Code: S3-CWhen: April 11, 2018
Location/Room: 200 CD
Level: Intermediate
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenter: Dr. Sharon Melnick, Horizon Point, Inc.
Resilience and inclusion correlate. Bias flourishes in cultures that are reactive, not reflective or resilient. On top of “do more with less” and constant change, diverse talent faces extra layers of stress (e.g., micro-inequities and fewer advancement opportunities).
All identities have factors that exacerbate stress and inherent strengths that enhance one’s coping with it. Participants will: (1) learn research on consequences for health, performance, and retention; and (2) demonstrate practical tools for resilience that incorporate exacerbating/enhancing factors across identities (mindsets for change; breathing techniques to stay calm, not react; stay focused and present when everything is a priority; get back to sleep in three minutes at 2 a.m.).
Participants will form self-selected identity groups to identify exacerbating/enhancing factors. Report-outs from each group will be used to make recommendations for diversity, wellness, and leadership trainings with an aim to increase retention/advancement.
Learning Outcomes:
- Input new messaging into diversity training, leveraging strengths of identity groups, and increase empathy across groups from report-out of unique stresses.
- Practice resilience tools (e.g., two-minute breathing technique increases 5 p.m. energy by 30%; get back to sleep in three minutes at 2 a.m.).
- Use research statistics presented to require inclusive messaging in resilience trainings, wellness offerings, and talent development programs.