Recognizing One’s Inclusion “Blind Spot”: How Language Can Challenge Internal Assumptions and Cultivate Inclusive Ecologies
20-minute Spotlight Sessions
Day 2
Session Code: Spotlight 5When: April 11, 2018
Location/Room: Marketplace Spotlight Stage
Presenter: Ann Wai-Yee Kwong, LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
What forms of language and imagery should be avoided when cultivating an inclusive environment, especially a welcoming atmosphere for individuals with disabilities? Language is the gateway to framing thoughts and attitudes; hence, intentional use of language and the openness for innovation are critical ingredients for inclusive workplaces.
This Spotlight Session discusses the power of language and how, when coupled with innovative energy from youth with disabilities, it can create an inclusive ecology from personal to societal. The narrative of how a blind college intern’s personal experience with success impacting technological design will illustrate the immense potential people with disabilities bring into the workspace when employers are willing to have a dialogue.
Learning Outcomes:
- Explore how inclusive language can be used and which phrases to avoid.
- Recognize the impact of language and its connection to internal attitudes toward individuals with disabilities.
- Bring back bold strategies to foster innovation when incorporating the perspectives of people with disabilities.