Beyond Ban the Box: Hiring People with Criminal Records
60-minute Stretch Workshops
Day 3
Session Code: S5-CWhen: April 12, 2018
Location/Room: Marketplace Booth #212
Level: Intermediate
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenters: Kevin Lindsey, Minnesota Humanities Center | Emily Baxter, We Are All Criminals
Approximately one in four people in the United States has a criminal record. Using stories, video, and photographs, the We Are All Criminals project reminds us that many of the people with criminal records are no different than those of us without a criminal record. Looking forward it’s important to challenge society’s perceptions of what it means to be criminal and how criminal records perpetuate inequities.
Employment is one area in which those inequities can be tackled. Many employers create partnerships with correctional facilities, workforce providers, and community organizations to expand their recruiting efforts to include hiring people with criminal records. Attendees will also hear about their legal obligations to comply with employment application ban-the-box laws and anti-discrimination statutes throughout the United States.
Learning Outcomes:
- Learn about society’s perceptions of what it means to be a criminal.
- Gain an understanding of how criminal records perpetuate inequities.
- Acquire best practice information on how to expand recruitment efforts to include people with criminal records.
S5-C Handout